This dress I have adapted from using the top of this pattern and a pattern I took of a skirt
I already own.
The fabric I picked I already had in my fabric stash, It felt really autumnal and a very popular
style and shape at the moment.
The Waistband and straps from the pattern. The front piece with a pocket I drew up
on pattern paper.
Cutting out the skirt panels.
I stitched the pocket on with two lines of stitching makes it look much more professional.
I bagged out the straps right around the top to create a neat and tidy edge which is on show at the front.
All Ready to start putting together.
I bagged out the front and then inserted it in between the waistband as I bagged that out as well.
I then attached the skirt into the waistband. I put it on the mannequin to get an idea of what it will
look like when it is finished.
I then had to seam the back and insert which I have done a separate blog post about it. I attached the straps at the back and put button holes at the front.
I used these silver buttons as I felt that they look almost like dungaree clips.
Super Pleased with the outcome of this. It fits really well and I really enjoyed making it too.